Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill

One always measures friendships by how they show up in bad weather ~ Winston Churchill We are neither ducks nor Londoners— Today is the visual image I have of London—wet, chilly, gray—perfect. We put on our slickers and cross over from Westminster to Pimlico. It’s...
Royal Day Out

Royal Day Out

Life is for living and working at. If you find anything or anybody a bore, the fault is in yourself ~ Queen Elizabeth I August 20, 2019 – Today the weather is unpredictable—rain and sun—off and on. It’s chilly or maybe better words are brisk and breezy. It’s a...
London, August 2019

London, August 2019

Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. – Gustav Flaubert August 18, 2019 Greetings from London, The flights from Savannah to Atlanta and Atlanta to London were non-eventful. That’s the best thing you can say about travel...